OH MY GOD THAT WAS INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I emailed in asking if he could play a song for my friend Chris for her 40th birthday cos she's a huge Maiden fan. He said something along the lines of "Someone's 40th birthday...HELLO!...hello Jenna MacPhee. Someone's, who's birthday is it? Could you please play Moonchild, The Clairvoyant or The Chemical Wedding. No I can't, I'm sorry, I'm embargoed from playing my own tracks on the show, hahaha!"

I'm shaking here - I can't believe Bruce himself said my name!!!!!! :OMG: :worship: :headbang:

Needless to say, he didn't play any of the songs or mentioned my friend!! I made it quite clear who's birthday it was, he sounded quite confused!!

If you want to hear then go to and click listen again. It's about 45mins in after he mentions some contest winners.

I LOVE BRUCE!!!! :loco:
Metallicat180 said:
He said something along the lines of "Someone's 40th birthday...HELLO!...hello Jenna MacPhee.

Super Freaky! :kickass: Now I bet he comes over to your house..., not really, but wouldn't that just make you pass out?
Way cool Metallicat!! I'm sure your friend was thrilled either way! I would have been happy with the fact that at least he acknowledged my e-mail in the first place!!!! I would definitely just keel over if I met him in person! They'd have to pry me off of him! :loco: I'm telling you, if you read the paper after Ozzfest and the headline reads "Woman thrown out of concert after attacking lead singer" you'll know it was me!! :heh:
RoboCaster said:
Super Freaky! :kickass: Now I bet he comes over to your house..., not really, but wouldn't that just make you pass out?

Now I would really die at that!! I wouldn't know what to say to him if I met him! I could have met him tho cos after the Glasgow gig in 2003 apparently he was having a beer at the bar and a few people met him, but we had to run for the train. :erk:
MAIDEN67 said:
Way cool Metallicat!! I'm sure your friend was thrilled either way! I would have been happy with the fact that at least he acknowledged my e-mail in the first place!!!! I would definitely just keel over if I met him in person! They'd have to pry me off of him! :loco: I'm telling you, if you read the paper after Ozzfest and the headline reads "Woman thrown out of concert after attacking lead singer" you'll know it was me!! :heh:

Yep, she was happy that he mentioned the email but I think she was kinda bummed that he didn't mention her. She's emailed 4 times and only had Val (who hosts the show with Bruce) mention her and I email once and get Bruce to mention me so I dunno how she felt about that.
Air Raid Siren said:
HAHAHA! I know what you mean. If I ever have the good fortune to meet him in person, I'll have to practice saying , "Hello Bruce, good to meet you" so I don't end up looking like a goldfish or something! :lol:

Trust me, it doesn't work! I did that before I met Dave Mustaine. I had all these question planned to ask and what order I was gonna ask them etc and I never asked him anything that I wanted to!! My mind went blank when he was in front of me!! :loco:
Metallicat180 said:
Trust me, it doesn't work! I did that before I met Dave Mustaine. I had all these question planned to ask and what order I was gonna ask them etc and I never asked him anything that I wanted to!! My mind went blank when he was in front of me!! :loco:

Ahahaha!!! I know exactly what you mean!!!! I've practiced my lines before too in the day when I got backstage at Tom Petty and the Heartbreaker's concert and met the drummer Stan Lynch.......and it just never works out the way you planned it to!!! :oops:
Doodoobubbachuck said:
Ahahaha!!! I know exactly what you mean!!!! I've practiced my lines before too in the day when I got backstage at Tom Petty and the Heartbreaker's concert and met the drummer Stan Lynch.......and it just never works out the way you planned it to!!! :oops:

It was kinda like watching Wanda ask Lemmy to sign her bass strap :tickled: She was so cute.