BUCKCHERRY's JOSH TODD: How I Got Sober 27 Years Ago And Never Looked Back


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
In a new interview with Niclas Müller-Hansen of RockSverige, BUCKCHERRY frontman Josh Todd spoke about how he has managed to stay sober for 27 years while he is surrounded by alcohol in venues on tour. He said: "The staying sober part, like not drinking or using drugs, isn't the hard part. The hard part is really managing your mind, because it's the mind that's busted. The alcoholic mind and the addict mind is the problem. The drinking and the using is just the symptom of the problem. The only solution is the spiritual one, and I don't wanna sound cooky, but that is the truth. It's about [being] spiritual in life and all those things, and how do you do that? Well, for me, doing annual inventories where I take it out of my head and write it down and tell somebody else about what's going on with me. I do meditation every day, I work with others, I go to meetings and stuff like that. "Drugs and alcohol is all over the place," he continued. "If you're a rich businessman, there's a lot of that. There's drugs and alcohol everywhere; it's not just musicians. "I have crew guys that smoke a lot of weed, and I'd roll a joint for you. It doesn't bother me. I don't like to be around it for extended periods of time. I don't wanna be around someone who is super fucked up because If I'm not fucked up, it's no fun for me. I like to get people really fucked up and then leave [laughs] and let them be fucked up. "I don't preach about my sobriety," Josh added. "If getting fucked up works for you, God bless you. It didn't work for me after a while. I got really fucked up from 13 to 23. You wouldn't have recognized me. I was a horrible drug addict and alcoholic and it just didn't work for me anymore. I did it real good." Asked if he managed to quit drinking on his own or if someone else got him into rehab to help him stop using alcohol, Josh said: "There were a few things that happened in my life all at one time that got me sober. My first daughter was born, and she just turned 27. I was a broke musician at that time. I was terrified and did not know how to be a father. I didn't have a father since I was 10 years old. I didn't know anything about it. I was trying to achieve my dreams and it wasn't happening and I had a massive alcohol and drug problem. I just intuitively just kinda thought to myself, 'Man, I'm at the crossroads, and something's gotta change. I don't know what to do.' I just said that out loud and was thinking about it every day. "I got arrested for drunk driving in Orange County and got assigned all these AA meetings for my DUI program," he revealed. "I started going to the meetings, and at some point, some guy stood up and he didn't look like me. He was just a nine-to-fiver-type guy, shirt and tie, and I didn't know that people lived sober. He basically told my story. He talked about how he drank and did drugs and it was, like, 'Oh my God, this is me.' That gave me the courage to just raise my hand and say 'Newcomer.' And that's when everything changed. I knew this was the last stop on the block. I was heading to jail, institutions, or death. I had already had alcohol poisoning at 23, and at one point my hands were paralyzed for a good hour and I didn't know it was alcohol poisoning. I had been doing crystal meth and drinking for three days straight, got alcohol poisoning and it scared the shit out of me. I had a lot of those moments of clarity while I was drinking and using but I couldn't stop. That's how I got sober and I just never looked back. I knew that as long as I put sobriety on the top of my list, everything else will work out in my life. And look at me — it all worked out." BUCKCHERRY is continuing to support its latest album, "Hellbound", which came out in June via Round Hill Records. The follow-up to 2019's "Warpaint" was recorded in the fall of 2020 in Nashville, Tennessee with producer and songwriter-for-hire Marti Frederiksen, who has previously collaborated with AEROSMITH, DEF LEPPARD, Jonny Lang and Sheryl Crow, among many others. In the summer of 2020, BUCKCHERRY recruited JETBOY's Billy Rowe as its new guitarist. He joined the group as the replacement for Kevin Roentgen, who left BUCKCHERRY in July of that year. In 2019, BUCKCHERRY enlisted Francis Ruiz as its new drummer. He joined the group as the replacement for Sean Winchester, who exited BUCKCHERRY after laying down the drum tracks on "Warpaint".

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