

Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I must admit, I was impressed by BucketHead during the Guns n Roses slot at the MTV VMA show. (Although the director decided to show every band member except him during his phenomenal outro solo to Paradise City, anyway...)

For a beginner like me, can anyone indicate a good starting point for a Buckethead CD (most accesible to begin with)?

I hear some of his live stuff is great too where he incorporates segments from movie soundtracks like Empire Strikes Back etc.


One of the most amazing solo albums ever is Buckethead 'Colma'. It is mostly "clean" guitar and acoustic stuff set to cool drum beats. It is very peaceful and sad. I HIGHLY recommend it. I've been listening to it for about 4 or 5 years, and I never have tired of it. All his other albums are cool, but 'Colma' is amazing. Period.
I think Buckethead is the coolest looking musician around! There needs to be a Todd Mcfarlane toy of him. I do like some of his stuff. I've heard all of it. Whatever song it is he played live at rock in rio 3 for his solo thing is my favorite song by him. I forget the name of it but it's on one of his cds, possibly on Colma. I have the video to "The ballad of buckethead". It's one of the better videos I've ever seen. As for the studio releases by him. I thought the songs were alittle to repetitive at times. I could see more happening than what was actually going on. It's really hard to find a really great lead guitarist who can make just as great backing music but I do know of a few.

Originally posted by abrasiverock

I didn't know that. Were did you see that?

Its been in a few guitar magazines.
Also,I'm quite a fan.I wanted to find out so I did.
Trust me.He is just a normal guy.....Umm...With a bucket on his head...
He wears the KFC bucket on his head so he could be relatively unknown and unrecognizable... so the focus would be on his playing and music and not who he was... of course it's part gimmick factor, but if you've ever seen him live, you'd understand...

He used to be in a band called Deli Creeps, and their stage acts and songs were great... they toured with Fungo Mungo and Mr. Bungle... that was actually a great show. I've seen him 3 times... Haven't heard or seen the GNR thing yet, but I hope to.
Originally posted by JAH
He was also apart of Praxis.


Yeah.Thats true.With Bootsy Collins on bass and Brain (Ex-Primus,now Gn'R) on drums.Apparently one album is really good and one album sucks.
This post has'nt been very helpful.
I saw the performance of Guns and Roses and I must admit Buckethead looks pretty cool. But I was pretty disappointed when he started wailing away and the cameras were all still focused on Axl. Oh well, I guess I should go get Colma
Originally posted by The Yngster
I saw the performance of Guns and Roses and I must admit Buckethead looks pretty cool. But I was pretty disappointed when he started wailing away and the cameras were all still focused on Axl. Oh well, I guess I should go get Colma

I couldn't believe it - Buckethead is ripping away (using two and three finger right hand tapping which always looks cool) and the camera is on the fucking bass player. Typical dumbass directors with no clue.

@blackmetalemp - thanks, I may also want to try his "plugged" material since I love to hear shredding from time to time, so I'll look into Monsters.

Where is that signature from by the way? Sounds gruesome - is it from a movie?