Bugera 4x12s

The Unavoidable

May 27, 2008
Umeå, Sweden
'sup, looking for a cabinet to use for rehersals and maybe live stuff, and I got just about zero to no budget. Price is really an issue here, I basically can't afford anything else.

What I want to know is just that it doesn't sound like complete ass. I don't expect anything from a 300 euro cab, but I just want to be sure that it won't be absolutely dreadful.

Like I said, I'll just be using it for rehersals, with my SansAmp PSA 1.1 and a cheap poweramp. In the future I'll be upgrading to the full engl/6505 rig, but for now I just need something to make some noise.

thanks in advance for any comments!
Just don't do this. These cabs are way beyond horrible. There is a fizz going on, that will drive you insane. Also, it's mud city! The ol' Behringer cabs with Jensen speakers were actually worth their money (and beyond) but those newer Bugeras... the horror! Just no relation to the decent heads...

Go with a Harley Benton 4x12 vintage instead... even if you'll take the 2x12.
Hah, then it's a done deal. I'll be picking it up in about a month, since I probably can't afford one on this paycheck. Fucking awesome though!

Thanks for the tip guys!
one thing about the HB cabs

i have G212 vintage which came with V30s, sounds great, they are now in my 4x12, and i bought another V30, however, it looks as though the HB ones are manufactured in china and the one i bought separate is a UK made one.

does this affect the sound.. well all speakers are different, and to be honest when i quickly miced both up and compared, the chineese one from the HB sounded better

Still great value cabs though!
I remember reading a thread about where v30 are made, as far as I can remember the chinese and uk made are identical, apparently after some point celestion shipped their speaker-making eh.. machine-stuff to china, so it's basically the same speaker. But I think the ones mesa uses are from a different plant? Damn I can't remember shit lol
I remember reading a thread about where v30 are made, as far as I can remember the chinese and uk made are identical, apparently after some point celestion shipped their speaker-making eh.. machine-stuff to china, so it's basically the same speaker. But I think the ones mesa uses are from a different plant? Damn I can't remember shit lol

yeah the differences are the same as the differences between any speaker of the same model, just a bit of random info really :D