BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE Frontman Says New Album Is Full Of Potential Future Classics

Yeah, they're great when you want a band that failed at being Trivium and doesn't know the difference between being successful and having a screaming horde of twelve-year-olds who think they're the greatest thing since Avril Lavigne...

Yeah, they're great when you want a band that failed at being Trivium and doesn't know the difference between being successful and having a screaming horde of twelve-year-olds who think they're the greatest thing since Avril Lavigne...


HEY! leave Avril out of that!!:err:

she's hot and I'd do her!

let me put it this way.....BFMV suck and I want Avril to suck (my sig)....2 entirely different things!
Well, if you like fucking skinny 12-year-olds who look like Alexi Laiho with way too much makeup and whiny voices...

Actually, just go to an emo club.

Well, if you like fucking skinny 12-year-olds who look like Alexi Laiho with way too much makeup and whiny voices...

Actually, just go to an emo club.


hehe, I think she's older than you, isn't she ;)

anyway, I'd still do her ;)
