Guitars are maybe a little bit too thin, toms could sound a bit bigger. The playing also isn't as tight as it could at certain parts. Overall I thought it was pretty good.
The latest version has not such bright guitars, but I think that make them sounding a bit better in terms of balance.
As for the advices.
I'd lower the cymbals (and their room level especially), 'cause they're too noisy in the mix. Generally, one should use room channel carefully in order to not make the drums too harsh and noisy.
I also recommend you trying to cut some mids from the guitar DIs before distorting them. That may make the tone less plastic, imo.
The bass is probably a bit muddy (100-300 Hz), I'd make it rather deeper by clearing some resonance of the range mentioned.
This sounds really good. I dig the guitars and drums, bass sounds fine. Im not wild about the cymbal/oh sound. A bit bright and crinkled sounding. What did you use for drum sounds? I really like the kick and snare.