Bulletboys - Elefante

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
I don't know this band at all but this is a comeback for this hair metal crew after many absent years. Like I said I don't know their previous music at all but this new song sounds catchy and ok. I'm sure a few of you glamsters out there will be happy to see them back.

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Well, it's not seeing "them" back, as only the lead singer/guitarist Marq Torien is still in the band. All of the other original members formed another band called Lies, Deceit and Treachery.

As for this single, it's not really doing much for me. The debut was simple, catchy, mindless heavy sleeze, rock. That I one I enjoy. This, not so much.
I wonder how Marc would do as a frontman for Stone Temple Pilots? He likes to preen and act like a Weiland clone and the voice could replicate Weiland's best.
I gave up on the Bullet Boys when the 3rd disc came out, because after 2 great discs, #3 was awful!
Bullet Boys do a killer version of Balls to the Wall once you get past the talking part in the beginning
Marc's remarks about the new album are interesting. I guess we will just have to wait and see how it turns out. The band has always been able to turn R&B tunes into hard rock wonderments you want to crank up and jam too.