Bullshit you used to believe until you wisened up?


Infinite Idiocy
Dec 10, 2012
Path Of The Misanthrope
Yep, so there it is right in the topic title: what kinda idiotic horseshit did you used to believe in really strongly before you smartened up?

Perhaps, like me, it was some fundamentalist religious bullshit - I used to believe that Jesus would hate me for masturbating before I realized that: "Holy shit, I'm using these utterly nonsensical, convoluted, and several-thousand-year-old religious (whatever that word actually means) concepts for some kind of universal understanding and moralization in a world where people have split the atom, cloned an actual lifeform (hi, Dolly the sheep) and determined the exact age of the universe scientifically (hint: it's not 6000 years).

Or perhaps you used to be one of those dumb brainwashed NRA clusterfuckers who sincerely believed that: "If everyone has a gun, then everyone is safer" until you actually followed the news and thought rationally and studied global murder rates and figured out that: "Hey, holy shit, happily entrusting weapons of minor destruction to all regular citizens (who often have an IQ below average, and a disturbingly high rate of mental illness) might not perhaps be the hottest idea on the planet." Of course your many years of gun-corporation-sponsored NRA brainwashing in the only country in the world with a political group dedicated solely to gun-ownership would be to blame for that, but here is finally a topic in which you can (hopefully) rejoice in breaking these shackles of corporate-for-profit-mind-control.

Or perhaps you used to be one of those feces-filled-cranial-cavity species who didn't believe that global warming is a man-made phenomenon, until you found out that 98% of scientists disagreed with your former diarrhea-filled thoughts?

Anyway, basically this topic is open to pretty much anything you used to really strongly believe in, but now know to be a stinking pile of apeshit. Fire away...
I used to believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny.

I also used to think that it was wrong to be gay because of my upbringing.

I can't think of anything else right now.
I used to think Limp Bizkit was the best thing back in the day lol...

I feel your pain: I went to a gig a couple weeks ago hoping to see this local band and then leave:

However, some foreign clusterfuckfaces AKA Limp Bizkit decided to hijack the show and insist that they play BEFORE the local band - after which the show promptly got shut down by the police due to noise complaints. That means that, instead of what I linked earlier, I got subjected to this pile of pig vomit before having to go home:

The indignant rage still boils deep within my heart...........

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As a child in grade school (I was about eight or so) I went through a few-month-long phase of being somewhat religious and actually reading the Bible and New Testament in-depth.

I don't actually regret reading the books (they're actually sorta fun, gratuitiously violent fiction reads), but goddamn I feel sorta duped for listening to those asshole seniors that came to my school handing out New Testaments and telling the "truth of the lord".
That adults were adults.

Great point. When you're a small kid you look up at adults as being almost god-like, or at least as being really smart and having all their shit together, but then as you grow up, study history, and just generally examine the world around you, it's then that you realize that nobody knows what the fuck they are actually doing, and that adults are just as stupid as kids, but in different ways.
Mathiäs;11043243 said:
That money wasn't a barrier to things, success was just about how hard you worked

That's just the shit that rich people tell poor people to make it seem like it's their fault that they are poor, and not because of an unfairly stacked and fucked up system (of which the latter is true) .
I used to believe arguing on the internet about abortion and other political topics was worth my time ;)


Also used to believe expressing intelligence was important, lest people assume the latter. Now I believe expressing a lack of intelligence is more important, lest people believe having a debate with you would be fun.