

Third Eye Guy
Jan 13, 2002
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I remember back in my JP.com days, you said something about doing a mix of all the Opeth songs and putting them in Audiogalaxy or something like that. Was that you, or Bumblefreak? If it was you, what's the linkage to that, I've finally signed up with Audiogalaxy. Thanks man.
I was gonna make a comment on the Static-X but someone beet me to it!:D
I saw them with Pantera and they blew! They bragged about how one song was 2 notes! (actually I beleave many of the songs were 2 notes and one song had just one note and a sample) Its pretty pathetic to see 2 guitarists and a bass player playing the exact same thing for a whole show especially when what they are playing sucks to begin with.
VAN FULL OF RETARDS AAAAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! OKOK... sorry. i dunno if the lnk will work, but the link to the AG group of mine (Petrucciforum.com search that group name if the link doesn't work) is


And yeah i have edited Opeth songs so that i could fit some on some CD's and such (i know i know, i am the devel. So sue me) And i could give you the tracklisting of the CD's i made. All of the edited songs are on Audiogalaxy, just type in "Bumblefoot Edit" (a tag i put on the end of all my edited versions) and all of my edites songs should come up (you'll notice a lot from other bands too hehe, i am truly a bastard child hah)