Burden GPT


Oct 9, 2007
Has anyone found/made a burden guitar pro tab yet?

I'm very interested in one, because I want to play it but also discuss and show it to my guitar teacher so I would be very grateful if anyone had it!
i havent seen one yet, give it some time itll get transcribed and tabbed out

or you could transcribe it yourself

do u only want the guitar parts, or all of the instruments?
well only guitar would suffice for me personally, but my guitar teacher is a very diverse musician I think he would like to see the hammond solo as well.
I think it's simple enough, even the acoustic parts which I generally find exhausting to figure out (due to hundreds of notes being played at the same bar).

Hex Omega doesn't have any tabs as of yet, but it's a simple song also (plus Mikael gave a class about how to play one of its best riffs :D)