Burger King 911

Protect her from the lack of whoppers?

Geez. Next, it'll be a call about being denied sex. "SEXUAL ABUUUUSE!"
As pathetic as that 500 pound woman is. Did you see those shows on Discovery Health about that 700 (or was it 900) pound guy and the "Half Ton Man" who weighed in at 1072 lbs?

Ther one that weighed the either 7 or 900 lbs died. The Half Ton Man got down to 500 (so he lost half his weight and is still extremely morbidly obese).

On the one hand, I felt so bad. But on the other hand, I was kind of laughing at how a 4 year old could weigh 80 pounds.
road head on the way to dropping the kids off at soccer practice is a-ok by the brettster.
How did I miss this?

It's times like these that I understand why Snookie got her face caved in by a man. I don't condone it...but I understand.

I tripped over this show (don't know the name) this morning. All I saw were some douches that never put shirts on and some skanks who weren't hot enough to be acting the way they were. I lasted about 5 minutes before I turned it so Emeril could teach me how to make Portuguese rice.