Burzum - Filosofem


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
Burzum - Filosofem

Sparse fragments of sub-tonal ambience converge along the nexus of thematic development revealing a preponderance of romantic themes contra the ennui of post-industrial revolution liberal democratic ideologies. Musical ideas edging dangerously close to bouncy, power chord driven rock are superceded by arpeggiated melodic narrative culminating in horizontally developed minimalistic meta-quintessence suggesting a quasi-discourse of themes fully derived out of the metaphysical presuppositions underlying Nordic pagan religious practices. True to form, this is organic nihilistic anti-globalist art.

With most posts I read, my IQ level usually drops. I think it just got boosted a few points with this one though lol
Just to clear up any possible misconceptions, this review is a parody and in no way intended to be serious.
There was an excellent Spinoza Ray Prozak review generator that parsed flashy-sounding nonsense from existing ANUS texts, but I've shamefully forgotten the URL. Google around!
Burzum - Filosofem

Sparse fragments of sub-tonal ambience converge along the nexus of thematic development revealing a preponderance of romantic themes contra the ennui of post-industrial revolution liberal democratic ideologies. Musical ideas edging dangerously close to bouncy, power chord driven rock are superceded by arpeggiated melodic narrative culminating in horizontally developed minimalistic meta-quintessence suggesting a quasi-discourse of themes fully derived out of the metaphysical presuppositions underlying Nordic pagan religious practices. True to form, this is organic nihilistic anti-globalist art.


You fucking crazy bugger :lol:
Burzum - Filosofem

Sparse fragments of sub-tonal ambience converge along the nexus of thematic development revealing a preponderance of romantic themes contra the ennui of post-industrial revolution liberal democratic ideologies. Musical ideas edging dangerously close to bouncy, power chord driven rock are superceded by arpeggiated melodic narrative culminating in horizontally developed minimalistic meta-quintessence suggesting a quasi-discourse of themes fully derived out of the metaphysical presuppositions underlying Nordic pagan religious practices. True to form, this is organic nihilistic anti-globalist art.


AHAHAHA. Dude, I'm high right now. Do you comprehend how funny that was to me? It blew me away. And I also love the fact that it's true. And hilarious. It's like 12 Oz Mouse. (True and hilarious)

edit: Mind if I use that in my sig?