Bush and his Jovi-isms


May 2, 2003
Fortress of Arrogance
I sent Cadillac Rock Box to a friend via MSN because I thought he'd like it. He said it is a good song but he doesnt like the vocals as they're too much like "hair metal", and like Jon Bon Jovi.

I must admit, I cant see John Bush in that way at all. Am I missing something here?
Stormwatch said:
I sent Cadillac Rock Box to a friend via MSN because I thought he'd like it. He said it is a good song but he doesnt like the vocals as they're too much like "hair metal", and like Jon Bon Jovi.

I must admit, I cant see John Bush in that way at all. Am I missing something here?
You should stop whatever your doing right now, and go shoot your friend.
I sent Cadillac Rock Box to a friend via MSN because I thought he'd like it. He said it is a good song but he doesnt like the vocals as they're too much like "hair metal", and like Jon Bon Jovi.
Punch your friend in the face repeatedly until he passes out, revive him and then punch him again.
It's your only hope.
Bush should buy an arena football team and move to Jersey. Maybe after he does those things, Anthrax will let him come back to play.