bush, haha


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Oct 29, 2002
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Thu Jun 12, 5:41 PM ET

U.S. President George W. Bush (news - web sites) is pictured in this combo image falling off a Segway personal transporter on the front driveway of his parents' summer home June 12, 2003 in Kennebunkport, Maine. Bush arrived from Washington to spend the weekend with his father, former President George Bush, who celebrates his 79th birthday today and his mother Barbara. Bush was not injured in the fall. REUTERS/Jim Bourg​
Damn it, for a while I thought I was going to be the only American who posted in this thread before I scrolled down but who cares :lol: I've never rode one of those "Mind Reading" things, so I don't know how difficult they are. Probably not at all considering they are driven by movement, thus is why they are called the "Mind Reading" thingies. Bush is a jackass and will probably be re-elected but I do have to hand it to his ass for correcting Clinton's mistakes as Clinton did for Bush and Bush did for Reagan. It's strange when someone, anyone, a normal person crashes on a machine like that, it's no big deal. But when someone famous like the President does it, it's fucking hilarious. He's a human being too. Not like he's superhuman or anything. He is a buttpuppet though :lol:

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