Busy in Madsic World!

Wassup Madsic People! Things have been busy at Madsic World as of late, we like it that way!

On the home front, we have some great shows lined up. We haven’t had a chance this year to do any all ages shows locally, but fear not! We have an all ages show at Solid Sound Studios in Pompano Beach on Saturday May 6th at 10:00, also appearing Sense of Being, Fate of Cain, and Blind Assault. All of you moshers and crazy fux under 21, this is your chance to show us what you got!

We are also going to be hitting a few new venues over the next couple of months, Club Sonar in Hollywood on May 14th for an all ages show, Gumwrappers on May 21st in Fort Lauderdale, and we are returning to where it all started for us on July 30th of last year to Skatezone Underground in Lake Worth for an all ages show on June 24th! Other shows are being lined up, as well as our first all ages show at Surf Café on June 5th. Details will be posted on our Events/Shows page within the next couple of days.

We hit the recording studio on May 11th (it’s about time!) to record some new Madsic tunes, first time recording with Larry and Shane for us.

On the My Space front, www.myspace.com/madsic for all of you My Space members, we are proud to announce that we broke the 10,000 hits and 3,000 friends mark yesterday, the site started in July of last year. We also went over 10,000 hits this month on the www.madsic.com website! Thanks Madsic fans!

We are also proud to announce that Madsic is now being managed by In The Eye Entertainment, www.InTheEyeEntertainment.com , who also represent other great local bands such as HeadDrive and Sense Of Being. Looking forward to bringing this Madsic thing as far as it can go, so don’t be shy, come out and show your love for local music at the next Madsic show in your area!

See you on May 6th at Solid Sound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!