

Sep 26, 2003
Hey, everyone. I haven't been on much lately. Just wanted to stop in and say hello. I just bought a house, and I'm working on getting it ready to move into before I have to be out of my current one. That and 1,000,000 other things are keeping me busy, so I'm not doing my usual browsing/posting on the boards. Things will (hopefully) settle down in the next couple of weeks...

Rock on!
OdinsCourt said:
Hey, everyone. I haven't been on much lately. Just wanted to stop in and say hello. I just bought a house, and I'm working on getting it ready to move into before I have to be out of my current one. That and 1,000,000 other things are keeping me busy, so I'm not doing my usual browsing/posting on the boards. Things will (hopefully) settle down in the next couple of weeks...

Rock on!
Congrats on the house!

-- Brett
OdinsCourt said:

Nicki and I recruted most of the band to help with all the work. :p
Where is the house located? Will you be able to play your guitar without annoying the neighbors? My basement studio is almost completely underground, so I can turn up the equipment pretty loud without it leaking out into the neighborhood much.

-- Brett
It's in a neighborhood where I won't be able to crank it. It's soooooo quiet there.

We just finished painting (well, 97% of it at least) and the new carpet is down. Now I'm moving stuff and more stuff and more stuff.... Much fun, let me tell you...
I hate moving. But I like painting and tacking down carpet. All I'd need in return is pizza and beer. haha

Congrats on your new house!

Congrats on the new house, Matt. Screw the neighbors - CRANK IT UP! :headbang:

Been really busy myself recently, so I haven't been around much, either.
Yes, it is! I finished pysically moving stuff on Sunday. However, I have dozens and dozens of boxes all over the place. The garage is packed full of stuff. I foresee several months before I feel comfortable...
OdinsCourt said:
Yes, it is! I finished pysically moving stuff on Sunday. However, I have dozens and dozens of boxes all over the place. The garage is packed full of stuff. I foresee several months before I feel comfortable...
I've been in my current place nearly 3 years and still occasionally come across a box of stuff I had forgotten about... :err:

-- Brett
Hey, sorry! I've didn't check this thread lately. They got here in tact, but I haven't listened yet. It's on my list of things to do. ;) Between work, the house, and everything else, I haven't had much free time. I appreciate it though! I'll let you know when I listen. :)
Oh, and it may be a while before I find them. My whole life is packed in boxes in the garage. Wall to wall. It will take a long time to sort everything out and put it in it's proper place in the new house. I'll get it all done eventually I reckon...
ok, cool. :)

Well, I imagined you would be hella busy for a pretty long time with the moving and all, just wanted to know if they got there in good condition. Otherwise I would have sent you a new batch.
I just got home (1:30am) from work! I've been working some crazy hours and a lot of overtime too. That combined with everything else going on sure makes for a busy life!

@Hell - Thanks, bud. It is appreciated. I'm looking forward to checking everything out. :D