BWBK's Operation Mindcrime II review

I'm still hopeful. That reviewer criticized it just enough to make me believe he was speaking as a very cautious Queensryche fan of me. The 8.5 rating sounds pretty good to me, I'd be happy with anything over 8. I'm not expecting a perfect 10 like Mindcrime 1.

I'm going to buy this as soon as it comes out. Haven't done that with a Queensryche album since Empire.

If this album does deliver, I am hopeful it will start skewing the direction of modern MTV/radio metal back in the direction of melody, real singing, and guitar solos. It should bring some class back to Headbanger's Ball and maybe teach a new generation that metal isn't always about aggression, anger and angst.

When I last saw Headbanger's Ball for a few weekends back in April, Fates Warning was the only band I saw outside of the run-of-the-mill 2x4s the American record companies are pushing.
Fiddler, I'm in the same camp, and that review didn't change my opinion. I'm expecting little, but hoping that perhaps they can recapture some of the old style.

Steve in Philly
MadeInNewJersey said:
No DeGarmo = no chance

I picked up a disc called Catch Without Arms, by a band called Dredg, based on a friend's recommendation a few weeks ago. While at a stoplight I opened the disc and started thumbing through the booklet. Thier thank you section starts off like this: Terry Date, Chris DeGarmo... I had to re-read that a few times to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Turns out that DeGarmo co-wrote a handful of tunes on the disc.
The guy who recommended it to me is into a lot of the same heavy music I am, but he couldn't come up with any sort of descripton of Dredg for me. The disc was $9.99 and they had a $0.01 DVD for the album as well. It's been in regular/heavy rotation since the day I got it. $10 very well spent dollars...
It will be horrendous. People will initially try to really like it, and will even say some glowing things about it. Weeks later .... after they realize that it's another in a long line of lackluster Queensryche products .... it will be sitting on their shelves collecting dust.

Honestly I cannot wait to hear this disc ... even if it's mainly for comedic value. As hard as it will be for me to ever accept this disc, I do plan on giving it a couple fair listens.


PS Popoff is an idiot. His reviews are pathetic, and usually don't really tell you anything. After reading that mess of a review I don't have any idea of what to expect from OM 2.
I'm hoping for the best, but still afraid it will suck harder than Richard Simmons at a private screening of Brokeback Mountain.....

I hope I'm wrong!!!!!

Harvester said:
I actually am enjoying it for what it is...not what it isn't.

It's no "masterpiece" though.

Glenn H.
This is what I'm going to have to try to do. The problem is that I am almost positive it won't be as good as the other 10 things that are in my current rotation now, and will pale in comparrison to those.

Force10 said:
Can you shed more light than Popoff did as to "what it is..."?
In between all the writing wankery, he said it holds true to the spirit and tone of the original but could probably be more closely compared to Rage For Order when it comes to heaviness. I'm okay with that. I didn't like Rage for Order when it first came out because it wasn't nearly as heavy as The Warning, but I eventually came to really like the album. The songwriting magic was still there. They didn't lose that until somewhere around Empire.

That's how I'll judge this new Mindcrime. On the songwriting.

Sword - Metalized
Harvester said:
I actually am enjoying it for what it is...not what it isn't.

It's no "masterpiece" though.

Glenn H.

Come on, one is asking you to give bad mojo about anything...but...

You always seem willing to expound on bands that you love...therefore...a little more detail about your likes and dislikes about this album would probably be very respected within this community...

I, for one, cannot wait to hear the new stuff...but I'm also dreading the disappoinment...

Rock on!