By Any Means Necessary


Taking metal up my ass
May 22, 2004
Forget that pussy ass shit you are used to hearing. These guys fucking rule!! I heard them the other day at this 101x festival that was being held at the Red Eyed Fly. I admit, I went there originally to hear Powderburn, whose been around a while and even have a record out. But FUCK did I get a rude awakening when I heard what REAL metal is supposed to sound like! Totally vicious and unrelenting. Afterwards, it was like I was hit with a Mach truck while having a massive hangover. I highly fucking recommend that these guys don't go unnoticed cause they are going to make a scene and quickly. I heard they are playing next at the Vibe on 6th street on the 30th. Check them out!! :worship:

Here's what they look like .
The Red Eyed Fly show was OK. I agree that By Any Means Necessary was the best of the three bands, even though they were on first. They had a lot of energy. They need a song with a "hook" to break out of the Austin dive-clubs.

Coexist were good, but they sounded too generic, and lacked any stage presence. They'll probably just play clubs until they break up.

PowderBurn might be a ''has-been'' act. They rely on loud volume, and with their piercings, they looked like losers who just got released from prison.
BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY would be an excellent local choice for a warmup band for some upcoming "touring acts" that are coming to Austin in June.

TESLA June 11 (Austin Music hall)
VELVET REVOLVER June 17 (Stubbs)​
STUBBS and teh Austin Music Hall don't book the major label touring bands, or the warmup acts. That is done by either the record company, or the tour management company in most cases. A few bands have some control over who their concert opening acts are going to be (JET does not, I'm not sure about VELVET REVOLVER).

By Any Means Necessary needs to enter into a management contract that will allow for them to strengthen their position when negotiating for good gigs. And I agree, they would be just about ideal as an opening band for JET or VELVET REVOLVER -- in Austin, for sure.

May & June 2004