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Hold My Beer While I Puke
Oct 4, 2006
as I am a newbie on this forum, I do have had the honor to read Lady laihos posts.. aaaawww I think she is adorable in a mental way... anyway, I have noticed she is banned (which is a bit sad) BUT! Never under-estimate a Glenn Close clone... she have found new huntinggrounds... I accidentally stumbled on this... :lol:

Lady Laiho writes:
HELLLLLL YEAH! Bodom in 07! I can't wait. That was very interesting. HEy, did anyone else notice that Alexi says "ya know" a lot!? LOL HE's adorable! That's my Allu.

Cute, may Santa give her an alexi shaped dildo for christmas! :rock:
^ Yeh, I was gonna say something like that but, burning Alexi while burning Joonas is just wrong. Besides I've never seen Alexi's penis. Apparently it's on the CRY special features but I haven't seen his member there yet, thank god.