bye bye for a while.

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
well, tomorrow at around 3 pm, i embark on my journey to Pittsbugh to stay there for good.

tuesday is the move-in day, and when i'm gonna try and get my books bought and everything else straightened out. wenesday is freshman orientation, then the rest of the week is all sorts of "freshman-accomidation" activites and getting familiar with the campus, etc, then classes start on the 28th. i'll be on here and there, probobly more than i think, but try not to have too much fun without me.

shit. i'm gonna be a college student.

Oh, that's still on - fo' sho'!

I'll bring Augustus, you bring the Nazi paraphernalia and we're sorted. Free coffee and foot long fake cocks for everyone!
There must be a bazillion threads that turn into anchorman quotes! :lol:

"You always know how to cut to the core of me, baxter. you're like a minature buddha, covered in hair"