Bye Bye New Orleans

Evil Dead

Hail to the King baby
Mar 19, 2002
Kansas City
I think New Orleans is about to take it's second ass whooping for the year.

My base has totally geared up to airdrop tons of supplies and rescue all kinds of people. Now I think maybe it is for New Orleans, but the consensus at work is that is for the Texans. I had to listen to all the conspiracy guys run their mouths today about Bush and Texas, but really.. I think this is The Invisible Guy in the Skies way of saying "New Orleans is Done."

I think Nar'lins is pretty much done.
"It has been suggested that.....

"An explosion blew a hole 25 feet wide in the dike, so that only the black part of town would get flooded while the white part of town remained high and dry."

--Louis Farrakhan

"It has been suggested that..." Sounds a bit like that fuckin asshole who wrote "It has been reported that... black people are cannibalising the dead to stay alive."

Every time I see that starting phrase, I know the person saying it made it up himself.

Anyway, It has been reported that George W planned the hurricanes to get rid of poor black people and get lots of money for his BIG OIL buddies at the same time.

You know, that's such a brilliant plan! Surely it can't come from the same dimwit moron who can't spell or say a phrase without screwing it up. I mean, these hippy libs should make up what little of their minds they have.

Is he pure evil or his he stupid?

He can't be both, because according to hippy lib philosophy, the stupid cannot choose to do evil things. They are too innocent and likely to choose nice things like progressivism.

Jurched said:
"It has been suggested that.....

"An explosion blew a hole 25 feet wide in the dike, so that only the black part of town would get flooded while the white part of town remained high and dry."

--Louis Farrakhan

"It has been suggested that..." Sounds a bit like that fuckin asshole who wrote "It has been reported that... black people are cannibalising the dead to stay alive."

Every time I see that starting phrase, I know the person saying it made it up himself.

Anyway, It has been reported that George W planned the hurricanes to get rid of poor black people and get lots of money for his BIG OIL buddies at the same time.

You know, that's such a brilliant plan! Surely it can't come from the same dimwit moron who can't spell or say a phrase without screwing it up. I mean, these hippy libs should make up what little of their minds they have.

Is he pure evil or his he stupid?

He can't be both, because according to hippy lib philosophy, the stupid cannot choose to do evil things. They are too innocent and likely to choose nice things like progressivism.


I wonder when we are going to see the video's of all the looting in Galveston..oh wait..nevermind.

And riddle me this, what is UP with all these people with NO mode of transportation? I mean if you can be a fat ass slob, you obviously are eating well, buy a bike. Dont complain that you missed the bus out of town and now no one will help. Maybe your tardiness habit is what keeps you from holding down that minimum wage job which if you had, you could afford a bike..or a beater to drive.

Anyway, It has been reported that George W planned the hurricanes to get rid of poor black people and get lots of money for his BIG OIL buddies at the same time.

Yes, and he plans winter; the broom that sweeps clean the streets of the homeless, of course brought on by the GOP and their secret weather machine that kills the less fortunate only.
Natürlich! Don't you know that George W. is the latest in a long line of sadistic mass-murdering cruel tyrants?

In the tradition of Nero, who set fire to Rome just so that it would burn away the dirtiest, smelliest, filthiest, poorest districts so he would have room to build his magnificent Golden House, and Prince Vlad the Impaler, who invited the poorest and dirtiest inhabitants of his domain to a magnificent banquet, only to lock them inside and set the place on fire thus solving the problem of "too many poor," so George W. has invented weather cataclysms such as Hurricane Katrina, to wage unholy war on America's blacks, and tsunamis, to discriminate against the moslem poor.

Wicked tyrants!!!
