

A centipede
Dec 21, 2001
Zgb, Croatia
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Some of you know I started music school and high school at the same time.

In high school I will study shitloads of maths and more importantly, physics. I suck at physics, so I will have to study, study, study...otherwise my parents will take some serious measures. (read: make me quit music school) :mad:
When I'm not studying, I will either be in music school or at home but practising. If I finally get some free time, I promise to come, and maybe post some music for you guys too :)

I have a few more days tho to enjoy...then the real work starts.

So...I love you all, best of luck with...whatever you might be doing.

Jonas, Henke, Andreas, MC Hanner and Jocke - best of luck with the new album! :)

Opacity, guess I'll be seeing you on Sinergy 30.11. in Vienna! :)

Take care!


PS: I might respond slowly, but I'm still available on my mail if anyone needs me for...whatever you might. :p
Thanks everyone!

Here's my daily schedule... :D

7 hours at high school, then some time free and 2 more hours at music school. That's only that know of (solfegio, choir singing).
My contrabass teacher wasn't at school, so he'll call me to see about our classes.

Good news: I'm freed from piano classes for the next 2 years!!!!!!! :headbang:
Good luck :D

When you grow famous and rich, don't forget the little people ;)
ahhhhhh didnt see this thread! :mad: Well good luck Andrea and we hope to see you around every now and than, wont be the same w/o you ;)
F_V, I'm still here for a few days...just wanted to say bye while I still have time ;)
I have a great maths teacher and the history one is good too. In fact, every teacher I've met so far is ok, except the biology one :puke:

Originally posted by MotherNorth
Good Luck Andrea.... I think you'll become very famous with your bass.... ;)

Second day at school and I already got 2 offers to play in bands :lol:
Hm...thinking of it, they were a lot confused, the guys who asked me :lol:

Anyway, I will show em kickass metal! If not for anything else, then for you people's sake! :headbang:

There's quite a few metalheads at my school :(
Hey..ERAMAAJARVI!!! Im still sitting here waiting for you to come pick me up so we can go to that concert and now you leave for SCHOOL!!?? :p ;)
hehe, I guess you have to seduce them all by yourself cause there is someone in my surroudings that gonna be very angry with me if I would seduce anyone else right now ;) But I guess you wont mind that?? :p

I would be satisfied with some sneaky listening at the new album.. mwahahaha !! :D
Oh yes, there's someone who might be angry with me too, but if I explain that's in a goal to get a good career and..uhm, maybe the album and see some live gigs, he might understand. :p