Cable ties


Santa Hat Forever
I'm getting to the point where I'm constantly winding and unwinding cables around (and most of the time they are longer than needed, making more of a mess), and not only in the studio but when I have a gig I take a backpack full of different kinds of cables, and I don't want them to get all tangled and shit, so I've been stealing the little aluminium like ties from the bags of sandwich bread, although most of the time they're too short for the long cables I have. The cables I've bought from Thomann of their own brand always come with thicker versions of the "bread ties" as I call them, but I'm thinking more like velcro stuff or any other tie that's not too easy to lose (I might lose like 3 every gig), so any suggestions?
Monster and other brands come with their own velcro straps, which you can detach and use on other cables of course.

Or just google velcro ties



* or for longer runs use cable clamps, clips, saddles, twist locks etc etc
IKEA has some.. although.. I haven't been there for years.. :S
But they had (and other home-stores-ish should have) velcro ones.. maybe 2 cm wide and 30+ cm long.. so you can fit a lot of cables in there if you want..
I have no idea where my went.. I used to have'em..
Note accidental pimping of Jeff's band:

Super cheap and work like a dream. You can also use them for other stuff (I repaired a broken mic stand limb with one lol)
I like to use the velcro ties that stay on the cable. every cable has one on the same end, usually the end not near the performer, so all the velcro stays at the equipment in the back and doesn't look nasty up front.

You can buy the black Velcro ties from an electrical or data supplier. I bought a roll years ago. I've given heaps of it away and I've still got heaps left. It was some ridiculously cheap price for a hundred meters, I remember at the time it was something like the same price for 100m as it was to buy 100 pieces retail.
I use cheap PVC tape for this. Easy to use and rip off and has uses outside of just wrapping cables. Not saying it's better than velcro ties, probably isn't but its another option for keeping cabling tidy
I hate those planet waves ties. They're either to short or too tight and end up chopping into the cable.

Another thing that's cool about velcro is if you've got a staple gun you can staple them up under furniture like a desk, and hide all your cables that way.
I have bags of hundreds of zip ties lying around in a variety of colors. They color code the cable runs in my rig. Otherwise I have so many I use em the once to tie a lead or something and then cut em with my pliers. It's srsly no more than $10 for hundreds of em so it's no biggie.