

Sep 28, 2003
Andy and others...I was wondering... what instrument / mic cables do you use ? it is important to keep up the quality in the signal flow... There are some with gold plugs and kevlar reinforced cables blah blah....Are they worth the money ?
I have bought a Planet Waves cable. It's pretty expensive, and it's the first cable I ever saw that has a way to use it (one side is marked "instrument" and the other "amp"... not sure why...). It's quite silent but I didn't use it outside a studio environment. I guess that this makes more sense on stage...
Make your own if you know how (v.v.basic soldering) as it will cost you allot less for great quality cables. Most of the studios I've worked in have done that, or had the cables custom made (purely 'cos they were being lazy!!).
I made all my cables using Switchcraft ends. They work great and last for a long time. As far as sound is concerned, I don't really notice a difference between these and cheap store bought cables but, the ones I make are definitely nicer and last longer.
As far as premade cables go, my favorite has always been Monster Cable, but my guitar teacher recently got a Planet Waves endorsement, so I get some killer deals on them now. In terms of homemade cables, I swear by George L's stuff. Can't be beat.
Make my own cables. Canare Star Quad with the braided shielding (get the foil shielding if you're using them for studio work only) with Neutrik connectors. I also have a 20 metre Belden foil shielded 12-way snake which I roll out when recording drums.
Cooperman said:
Make my own cables. Canare Star Quad with the braided shielding (get the foil shielding if you're using them for studio work only) with Neutrik connectors. I also have a 20 metre Belden foil shielded 12-way snake which I roll out when recording drums.

Nice! :OMG:
One of the perks of your country hosting an Olympic Games... I found a company selling Belden multicore that had been installed for the Sydney 2000 games. They had so much of it to get rid of I got it for about US$4 per metre.:D That was 2 years ago and I think they're still trying to move the rest.