California bound


Feb 4, 2002
So I'll be out west next weekend (24th and 25th) and I was wondering if any shows are happening or a good party in either L.A or Orange County? My west coast board members, lets get something going.
Motorhead is playing in March I think but I'll look out for any punk gigs happening next weekend. There's a lot of Social D dates coming up but I think they're sold out.
Social d is always sold out. I'm thinking of a good bar or party if there's no gig going on. I have a limited time to visit and so many i want to see. Fuckin Orange County
On a slightly different line: Motorhead are touring England again soon - but I'm put off because

a) I've seen them 11 times already. They made me hearing deficient in my right ear (true, but I don't mind, it was a fucking ace gig), but their last couple of tours have been identical in almost all respects

b) They are supporting the fucking gayTM Foo Fighters. What the fuck is the world coming to?
Go see them, walk out when they're done. I wouldn't watch the Poo Fighters (how amusing was that?!)

I thought you were a ginger haired Scotsman BTW? (Not that I've got ginger hair, but it's a nice stereotype)
Stormwatch said:
Go see them, walk out when they're done. I wouldn't watch the Poo Fighters (how amusing was that?!)

I thought you were a ginger haired Scotsman BTW? (Not that I've got ginger hair, but it's a nice stereotype)

Actually, I am a fully fledged Emperor of Gingosity, from an English family of Jock descent. Most of my cousins still live in the land of the deep fried haggis, mind you.

...and I wouldnt pay £40 to watch Motorhead play for 40 minutes.

I last saw them at the 30th anniversary gig in that there London village. I fucking hate London, but I generally make the yearly trek to see the 'head play. I've seen em tour for every album since 1916 don't cha know ? Sometimes twice...
Carcassian said:
Actually, I am a fully fledged Emperor of Gingosity, from an English family of Jock descent. Most of my cousins still live in the land of the deep fried haggis, mind you.

...and I wouldnt pay £40 to watch Motorhead play for 40 minutes.

I last saw them at the 30th anniversary gig in that there London village. I fucking hate London, but I generally make the yearly trek to see the 'head play. I've seen em tour for every album since 1916 don't cha know ? Sometimes twice...

I've never seen the 'Head. Don't know why, I've always loved 'em. Ya ginger tosser! :Spin:
Actually if I grow my beard it ends up ginger so I can't laugh. It's why I stay clean shaven. :hypno:
Stormwatch said:
I've never seen the 'Head. Don't know why, I've always loved 'em. Ya ginger tosser! :Spin:
Actually if I grow my beard it ends up ginger so I can't laugh. It's why I stay clean shaven. :hypno:

I usually shave my head to a nice, shiny bald finish.

My beard, however, is a resplendant deep red viking action.

Proud to be ginger!
Stormwatch said:
Go see them, walk out when they're done. I wouldn't watch the Poo Fighters (how amusing was that?!)

I thought you were a ginger haired Scotsman BTW? (Not that I've got ginger hair, but it's a nice stereotype)
Thanks but I shave my head and I only drink wine when it might get me laid. I'll stick with brass knuckels and single malts.