Calling MIAs


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
TVF, USMC, Greeno, Nick, Psycho, Abryl, Igor I miss you all people! :cry:

Hawk, Carnut, Trixxi, Zeppie, Pabla, Bryant, Delize, Rokk please post more ;)

As for the rest keep up the good work :D

NP: Helloween - 'The King For A 1000 Years'
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
::: peeks in ::::::: i wasnt mentioned.... :yell:

Silly you, look under keep up the good work :p

NP: Helloween - 'Silent Rain'
Been REAL busy lately here, lady 's starting up some kind of beauty shop, hope it will improve me looks a bit :) So, I'm rebuilding a part of the house to a shop, That's why I spend limlited time here on UMOS... I try to post now and than, will get better in a month or so...
Hawk reporting for duty :)

I have been busy preparing for a lecture coming Tuesday the 21th about the influence of the Glorious Revolution on the US revolution.

I am [re]reading a lot of books on the subject and thus very busy. After the 21th I will be back in action, I hope ;)

I am looking forward to post and interact again. But at the moment I hardly have the time and motivation.

I do still keep an eye out for abusive posts and promotional messages.
So while I am not in posting mode [yet] I am still moderating.

Back to the books!!

Talk to you soon Wyv!! :wave:
Hawk said:
Hawk reporting for duty :)

I have been busy preparing for a lecture coming Tuesday the 21th about the influence of the Glorious Revolution on the US revolution.

Sounds very lecturable :cool: The Glorious Revolution was around 1688 if I don't recall wrong (lazy to check) so it's almost a 100 years til England lost the colonies :D. It'll be interesting to see how one influenced on the other, best wishes for the 21th.

USMC0341 said:
USMC0341 reporting for duty!!!!

It's been a while but I'm still kickin'.

Nice to know I'm still remembered...


Semper fi bro, don't become a stranger

sixxswine said:
TVF is alive and well, working through some family stuff...
We'll see if he comes back soon...

Thanks for the info Sixx ;)

Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
still not mentioned.... :cry: :yell:

Tico llorón :p
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
heya Pabla... sent ya a PM a long long time ago but ya never wrote back... :yell: :cry:

:oops: I just read it like a week ago... I meant to answer, but time is not a friend of mine lately (bring out the violins)
Wyvern said:
TVF, USMC, Greeno, Nick, Psycho, Abryl, Igor I miss you all people! :cry:

Hawk, Carnut, Trixxi, Zeppie, Pabla, Bryant, Delize, Rokk please post more ;)

As for the rest keep up the good work :D

NP: Helloween - 'The King For A 1000 Years'

Sorry I am not posting like I used to Wyvern. I used to hear that thing about "kids changing your life" and I couldn't fathom it until I had one. I am now responsible for another life and the person he will be now. It is a tremendous responsibility. I have to remove myself a bit from some things to create time for him. Unfortunately, my forums are one of those things.
I love all of you here and will find a way to do better than I have been, but my priority is still with my Son. Hang in there while I figure out how to put about 30 hours in a day. ^___^

I'm still kickin'... just busy as hell!!! I try to check in a couple times a week. Glad to see everyone is doing great.
Bryant said:
Sorry I am not posting like I used to Wyvern. I used to hear that thing about "kids changing your life" and I couldn't fathom it until I had one.

Yeah :erk: , that's why the notion of having kids is so scary to me. I hadn't grown up and the idea of having my freedom cut is o_O On the other hand I may be posting a lot because I don't have a real life :oops:

I'm glad everybody is doing fine and drop from time to time, I miss a lot of you and them nevertheless.

P.S. Fang is doing fine he post time and again but certainly he is being MIA this last few days :confused:
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
Yo no soy llorón .... :cry: :yuk:

Man you are a riot! I'm so pissed we miss each other when you was here, I hope to know you one day ;)