Calm before the storm?


Mar 28, 2006
Been kinda quiet here lately?

Anyone seen these?;
(sourced thru yahoo movies)

~"300"...was damn good! Great effects- though a little more natural landscape/ visuals would'nt have hurt? Think it lives up to the hype.

~"Apocalypto"...what happened to this? Was pulled early from theaters & no sign of it (re-release or dvd)? The trailer looks amazing & reviews were B to A+ across the board.

~"Pathfinder"...out in Apr. About the Vikings invading natives in the Eastern Shores? A dude from LOTR (Rohan Rider) is the main star. The trailer looks great!
Been kinda quiet here lately?

Anyone seen these?;
(sourced thru yahoo movies)

~"300"...was damn good! Great effects- though a little more natural landscape/ visuals would'nt have hurt? Think it lives up to the hype.

~"Apocalypto"...what happened to this? Was pulled early from theaters & no sign of it (re-release or dvd)? The trailer looks amazing & reviews were B to A+ across the board.

~"Pathfinder"...out in Apr. About the Vikings invading natives in the Eastern Shores? A dude from LOTR (Rohan Rider) is the main star. The trailer looks great!

300 was wicked sweet. saw it in the imax. looking forward to pathfinder. it wont be quiet around here come mid april ;) -jonah
Yeah,(come Apr.), about as quiet as a battle in 300!!!

ALSO upcoming rels.;

"The Nomad"
"The Last Legion"
(both these trailers look good as well)?
I saw 300 the other week. My teammates and I are going to see it again this weekend. When I get back to Atlanta, I'm going to try and see it at IMAX. Pathfinder looks good and I wanted to see Apocalypto, but never got around to it. :/