Cambian Dawn EP and Video

Cambian Dawn

New Metal Member
Jun 30, 2007
Ladies and gentlemen,

CAMBIAN DAWN are very proud to announce the release of a brand new 35-minute 5 track EP “Wolves In The Springtime” for your edification and listening pleasure.

Fans of Queens Of The Stone Age, Kyuss, Cathedral, and Opeth will lap this up. It’s available now on digital download (from Itunes, HMV, Napster, Virgin Media, eMusic, etc) and on vinyl from Villainous Records here:

You can also buy the vinyl from the band at gigs, more of which are in the pipeline as you read this.

For a preview, 3 of the 5 songs can be on heard on Cambian Dawn’s myspace here:

LAST MINUTE NEWS: Cambian Dawn will be appearing on the August covermount cd of Terrorizer magazine. Also you can view ‘The Words Are Not The World’ music video here: