Can a cab cause a blown fuse in an amp? Weird stuff.....


May 23, 2005
St Louis
So today at practice I get through about 1 and a half songs when all of a sudden....Uberschall goes silent.:cry: I check and it turns out the HT fuse (whatever that is) is blown. I replace it. Turn back on, hit one chord. Silenced again. Blew the same fuse again. Replace it, then turn the volume down, unhook it from my GT Pro, turn it on and just let it sit on for a few minutes. Tubes all look OK. Start playing, Horrible crackly sound coming out. So I hook up my other cab and it sounds great. No problems. Rehook up my GT Pro, still sounds great. So I think maybe my 1st cab is screwed? To check I hook up my other amp to the cab I think is screwed and am expecting crackly sound.......nope. Plays through it fine. I am confused. Played through a few songs with the Uber and the "good" cab and nothing went wrong.
Every instance, cab and amps are running at 16 ohms.

Any ideas of what the hell happened? Could the cab have caused a blown fuse somehow? I am very confused. Probably call Bogner tomorrow and see what they say, but was seeing if anyone here had ideas beforehand...
Is your speaker cable in good condition? If it's not, it's almost the same as having no cabinet attached at all. It could also be that the wiring inside the first cabinet is loose or half-broken, amounting to the same end result.
Is your speaker cable in good condition? If it's not, it's almost the same as having no cabinet attached at all. It could also be that the wiring inside the first cabinet is loose or half-broken, amounting to the same end result.

Didn't have time to check wiring inside the cab yesterday, I don't know how it could have all of a sudden became loose though. But I checked the speaker cable, it's good.
I had a similar thing happen to my Mesa 2:100 the fuse kept blowing then I started to smell burning electronics. I took it to the shop and come to find out all 8 tubes were bad. That cost me $350. But it was wierd cause it happened when I plugged in my marshall cab. Had the tubes replaced and haven't had a problem yet.
Sounds like a bad speaker cable to me.
Had 2 amps blow their fuses on me because of a VERY bad speaker cable I bought from Maplin, thing was heavily frayed inside and was definately shorting somewhere. Thing is I didn't realise it was just the fuses inside the amp that blew, I checked the outer fuses and the ones in the kettle lead with no luck, didn't realise untill I was bored and opened up the amps that there were more fuses inside and it was one of these that had blown.
Hell the power amp for one of them had 7 fuses in all! Boy did I feel stupid for not having checked all that earlier, but this feeling of stupidity was soon replaced with joy when I realised I wouldn't have to pay outrageous tech fees to get my shit back working.

As someone else said, if its not the cable then my money's on the cab wiring, since you say it hasn't been moved in months its most likely around the input of the cab from having cables plugged in and out, just wear and tear really. Open that thing up and see what you can find!