Can anyone do the bass on 2 songs?


Jun 10, 2008
Hi guys,

we do have some trouble in the band. We now have the problem that two songs are left for an album without bass. Its very hard to find someone who can do the bass for us.
We're doing some oldscool metalstuff. If anyone is interested in laying down some basstracks we would be very happy! We cannot pay money but we will put you on the CD in 2011 so you have a reference if you want.

Here are both tracks: ohne vox.mp3 silence ohne vox.mp3
sounds interesting. Do you have a deadline? Any ideas about what you want it to sound like? Do you want a DI or a real sounding bass?

Wow, thank you guys very much for replying to my answer!
I'll try to give you the answer you need. Our Songs are all in drop D. We only need a DI file so our engineer is able to form the sound to his own and our taste. I think the only thing matters is to make the bass sound METAL!

Our deadline is in the end of this month. So it would be cool to get work done this week.

I will post the bpm later because I'm not able to get to my recording place right now. Just give me a few hours to work:)

Thanks and cheers!
Oh, btw. Pick or finger question. It depence on the song. I think the ballad sounds better with fingerplaying. BUT as I wrote, it depence on the song and on you. Do whatever you like and comfortable with.
Cool, I'll write and record the bass parts sometime this week when I get a chance. If you could reupload those songs as downloadable mp3s so I can copy them into my DAW it would be a huge help.