Can anyone here play Hammer Smashed Face


May 26, 2002
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That rhymes....
Uhh,anyway,I need some correct tab for that mini bass solo in Hammer Smashed Face.I can play the rest of the song fine but I cant get the notes to that part at all.All the tablature I've seen is total bullshit and Alex's tone sounds like someone shitting on a wasp.
So if anyone knows the correct way its played,please, help a nigga out.
Or something
Interesting. Last Saturday my band drummer come to me after some playing and said: "Next Saturday, we are gonna play Hammer Smashed Face." (We played Suicide Machine 7 times without stopping, this is the only one we can play yet =P)

Oh boy... I found tons of tabs, but none seems ok. Try diggin´the catacombs ( and look for the Hammer Smashed Face GUITAR tab. It usually have the little bass solo that freak us out.

But if someone knows the way it should be played, help us!
This is how he plays it live :

This is standard tuning tuned down ½ step but I beleive the tuning he uses is BEADG.
Originally posted by neal
how the hell does that rhyme?

Hahaha.Sorry,I'm a retard.
I HAD written out the subject as:
"Does anyone here know the bass for Hammer Smashed Face?".
Then I wrote the message and for some reason changed the subject without altering the message...
Yeah.....I'm going to end this post now...