Can anyone name their favorite song?

Gory Elephant

Apr 26, 2003
Can anyone else narrow down the list and actually name their favorite metal song of all time? For me, it is a clear cut decision:

"Satanic Blood" by VON. Probably the simplest ( I count a total of three chords), most evil, brutally effective song ever. If you like your music simple, repetitive and uncluttered, this song packs a serious wallop. In my opinion, devastatingly heavy.

Close seconds would include:

"Demoniac" BLASPHEMY
"Into the Void" BLACK SABBATH
"Equimanthorn" BATHORY
It's a close call for me, but I'd put Tears of a Dying Angel by Rhapsody on top.

If that song ceased to exist:

Elvenking - Banquet of Bards

If that song ceased to exist:

Carpathian Full Moon - Luna Garden
In The Woods... - 299 796 km/s
Septic Flesh - Rain
Emperor - The Acclamation Of Bonds
Easy. Iron Maiden's "Phantom of the Opera". Embodies just about every reason I love metal. Great vocals & subject matter, killer time changes, epic delivery, amazing leads and harmonies. That song is flawless.