Can I do this with a patchbay?

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
I need one anyway but I was wondering if this scenario is going to be doable:

I have 3 devices, 1 set of monitors, 2 mic pres, and a stereo compressor.

Never mind the pres and compressor (I know those can be setup to patch).

Can I wire this up so I can just patch the unit I want to use out of the monitors (talking about balanced patch bay).

I know shit like this exists but it doesn't do everything I need and I'm not in need of "quick switching" like I would if I was running multiple monitors:
i run 3 sound sources, my 002, motu 8pre and sound card. they are all patched into the patch bay, and you can flick bewteen em with the plugs, however each of the sources comes out of my patchbay into my tapco mix 60, then a stereo out goes back to my monitors via the patch bay, just meens i have CR level over all three sources without patching or using my amy to change the volume.


top line are my sound putputs, 3 and 4 are the motu, 5 and 6 are the digi, so instead of trailing the cables to my mixer, i could just use the short patch chords and patch em into 1 and 2 on the bottom line which goes straight to the amp