Can this be true?

I've heard that it is true. I also believe they've done concerts with other Metal Bands, But I forget just who.

Sum 41 are huge Iron Maiden fans, From their point of view, wouldn't you want to tour with you idols?!?!

It ain't such a bad thing, I hope they don't just tour with these teenage type bands all the time. It's OK that Maiden tour with these guys, 'cause maybe they will be able to pick up a few younger fans. Cause their current fan base ain't getting any younger.
Originally posted by Weapon X

It ain't such a bad thing, I hope they don't just tour with these teenage type bands all the time. It's OK that Maiden tour with these guys, 'cause maybe they will be able to pick up a few younger fans. Cause their current fan base ain't getting any younger.

I'm sorry but I couldn't disagree more. I think that a band like Sum41 going out with Iron Maiden is just terrible! They are a manufactured bubblegum 'rock' band at the same level that Hanson were...

...there are other bands much, much more worthy of taking a supporting slot with someone as big as Maiden. Bands not necessarily looking for MTV attention.

I'm also concerned then with the new Maiden material - if they are trying to get to a younger audience (by taking Sum41 on the road, and releasing Edward the Great for the kids who missed them first time round), then what does it say for the upcoming album if they already have a targetted audience?
It'll be interesting to see what the concensus is on this subject

I'm with you JK....I just can't believe that this going to happen. Not quite sure what kind of message it is sending out either?

What does everyone else think?
Well, as you know Symphony, I was disappointed to see Queensryche on the last Maiden tour since they don't need the support! And I love Queensryche!! :lol:

I would not be surprised if Sum41's last album has already outsold something like Brave New World (at least in the USA)...

My point is, Maiden are going to sell out stadiums either way, so they have the luxury to take anyone they want. So they might as well take bands like Power Quest, Threshold, or Shadow Keep etc.

Let's see what the others think... :)
It's kinda funny 'cause I do also agree with you JayKeeley. I don't mind so much that they tour with these kids, but your right there are so many other bands that would better suite a tour with Maiden.

After I read your first post I was gonna ask you which bands would be better suite to help eachother find new fans. But you already listed a few. Sure they can still sell out venues, but it always help the band if they can still attract new fans as well as keep it original fan base happy, which is of course very hard to do.
Originally posted by Weapon X

After I read your first post I was gonna ask you which bands would be better suite to help eachother find new fans. But you already listed a few. Sure they can still sell out venues, but it always help the band if they can still attract new fans as well as keep it original fan base happy, which is of course very hard to do.

I hear what you're saying, but I think Maiden are so big that they don't really need to actually do anything to attract new younger fans - it's just because they've become such an institution over the years (a bit like AC/DC or U2 perhaps).

They also don't really need any help especially when they are still selling out tours. Look at Rock in Rio! Can you imagine how unjust it would have been if Sum 41 had got that exposure to 250,000 fans in Rio?

When you attract the Sum41 audience, you start attracting the nuMetal crowd, and then one thing leads to another....
They are nu-punk band that sounds a similar to Blink 182, except they're influenced by metal bands, like Iron Maiden, Slayer, and a number of other great Metal bands.
I've heard about this, and I don't like it.. Sum41 is NOT metal, but pop punk, and they should definetly tour with other punk bands, such as Green Day (which I like alot btw :)) and Blink182. And also, I don't think Maiden fans like Sum41 that much.. but what do I know?..heh
I actually like some punk bands (bad religion, some misfits etc), but I don't want to see them on tour with metal bands..HEAVY METAL and PUNK is quite different music
I have to say I think this will prove to be correct sadly! Unfortunately this confirms my worse fears that Maiden are looking to maximise profits above all else. The Brixton gigs although 'charity' events were timed very nicely to conicide with the Rock In Rio releases and now they are looking to make the most of the nu-metal market. I agree with JK...they don't need to tour with Sum why are they doing it? A marketing ploy is why. I am becoming seriously disenchanted with them.
The irony is that on Thursday I'm paying for my ticket to go see Sum 41 as headliners :p

Seriously, if I was going to see Maiden I'd much rather have a True Metal band filling the support slot. First time I saw 'em it was Entomed and Slayer - incredible. Then it was Halford - amazing. Then it was DJ Krusher - bit like having a drunken stereo as your support :confused: now Sum 41?! I think it'll be worse for them , sadly, as I can't see them down very well with a Maiden crowd...

...heh, half the reason I'm going to see them in February is to kick the shit out of mini-moshers :hehe:
Originally posted by WeekendWarrior
I've heard about this, and I don't like it.. Sum41 is NOT metal, but pop punk, and they should definetly tour with other punk bands, such as Green Day (which I like alot btw :)) and Blink182. And also, I don't think Maiden fans like Sum41 that much.. but what do I know?..heh

Right! I guess my point is, most people who go to a Maiden show primarily go for Maiden and not the support act. So in that case, perhaps they could bring along someone new to the scene? The show will always sell out either way.

I actually like some punk bands (bad religion, some misfits etc), but I don't want to see them on tour with metal bands..HEAVY METAL and PUNK is quite different music

I like punk too, and I would have no issue with Maiden pulling along a punk band on tour, but just not an Offspring pop punk band rip-off that is on MTV 24 hours a day!! A pop band with that kind of exposure will sell even without Maiden just because the mighty MTV says so, and the kids naturally follow....

It looks like metal bands are trying to hit the mainstream by selling to pop punk audiences. Even Slayer is doing it with Kerry King appearing on Sum41 videos....sad, very sad indeed. Bands like Maiden and Slayer should know better!
Green Day and Blink 182 are punk bands?! :eek: can't believe I missed that the first time! I guess Burzum are now Emo....