Can you achieve fat guitar tones with ampsims and impulses?


Feb 12, 2008
I can't. Can you?

When I listen to soloed guitar tracks in my favourite albums they sound FAT.
Old Entombed, I know... I own an HM-2 but :erk:... The best result I've got, far of being a good tone, is using the HM-2 in front of Valveking from Revalver. But I would like to get a good "american" guitar tone without using this pedal.
Suffocation, Morbid Angel..."As Rapture comes" from Grave, I don't know exactly if they used an HM-2 here...
I can only get a sound as thin as a needle even using good di'd guitars from this forum. I know the electric bass is important but, SO MUCH?

So, if you can achieve a fat tone with ampsims, please give me some tips and sound examples. :Smokin:
I use impulses and ampsims sometimes, I like the results, but I don't think they can sound as fat as a real amp imo, I mean, a 5150 or a rectifier will usually sound huge right away, amp sims require a little more dedication and tweaking, but they won't sound like as fat as a real amp(at least single tracks), quadtracking might help, but as much as I would like to get the same results as an amp, I don't think it's there YET.
I think amp modeling is "almost there". In a mix, an amp sim will fool most people. When it comes to the guitar playing alone with no other instruments I think a good ear will still tell it's lacking the warmth of a real amp.

Anyway here's a clip of my "warmest" distorted tone so far:
Merciful riff download 2.1MB
what a fucking moronic buzzword.

edit: ps that tone sounds really fucking nice dude, dont get me wrong haha :D
I use impulses and ampsims sometimes, I like the results, but I don't think they can sound as fat as a real amp imo, I mean, a 5150 or a rectifier will usually sound huge right away, amp sims require a little more dedication and tweaking, but they won't sound like as fat as a real amp(at least single tracks), quadtracking might help, but as much as I would like to get the same results as an amp, I don't think it's there YET.

i always felt like i got huge sounds with amp sims with ease, and rather real amps i had to tweak more and put in a fuckton more work to make them sound good. more variables n that, yknow? mic position, the position of the cab in the room, the room itself, the mic pre, blah blah blah.
amp sims its just TSS, amp sim, catharsis fredman DONE.