Can you use two different power tubes in a 5150?


Frozen Sun Audio
Nov 19, 2010
I'm in the process of retubing my 5150 starting with the pre amp, and I'm debating playing with the power amp as well. I have Winged C 6L6 in there right now, but I have a few Sovtek 6L6 WXT that came out of it when I got it. I only have 3 because one broke and that's why they were replaced, so I can't just put the Sovteks back in to see how they sound. However, I'm thinking of being creative with it and pulling the outside two =C= and replacing them with the Sovteks. I don't think that would cause any damage since it's a push/pull system, but I thought I'd ask anyway.
I think as long as "one pair" (the outside ones or the inner ones) are matched tubes it could be fine. I never really thought about that. But you could go crazy and do a bias mod for every single tube if its possible :D Than you can bias all 4 tubes seperatly and should/could use 4 different tubes as long as you bias all correctly.
As long as they are around the same in plate current draw, you're good. I'm talking within 1-7mA or so. Ampeg used to just grab tubes out of a bin and shove them in their amps and they never had problems. The issue is, 5150s are prone to blowing screen grid resistors.