Canada day

Silver Incubus said:
and you would know? how?

its not like your fat ass could fit on a plane and it would definately sink a boat, so I doubt you have ever been in canada

They play the same sports, same accent, same space, same style of city yet they're not the success America are.
Prof, you just proved you're ignorance is as big as your ass.

Canada's national sport is hockey
USA's national sport is football
Canadian accent is different from american accent
1/3 (or so) of the population speaks french
We are a lot less conservative than the americans
Same style of City? Wtf, you've never been here how could you know.
And finally, you talk of America's success..... America's is ( unfortunately ) the most hated country in the world. Canada, which is just above America, is only a little ( if not at all ) hated in the world. That's the kind of success I like.

This is only a taste of the differences between Canada and America.
Asmodee said:
Prof, you just proved you're ignorance is as big as your ass.

Canada's national sport is hockey [...]

This is only a taste of the differences between Canada and America.

1- hockey is a lot more fun than football
2-canadian english's accent is nicer than the average american accent
3-canadians are mostly more friendly and laid-back than americans, and it's hard to find the shitty ass conservatives
4-no success bs. that's really bs. and yes, the U$A is one of the most hated countries of the world
anyway, just the opinion of another filthy south american in the forum...
AsModEe said:
Prof, you just proved you're ignorance is as big as your ass.

Canada's national sport is hockey
USA's national sport is football
Canadian accent is different from american accent
1/3 (or so) of the population speaks french
We are a lot less conservative than the americans
Same style of City? Wtf, you've never been here how could you know.
And finally, you talk of America's success..... America's is ( unfortunately ) the most hated country in the world. Canada, which is just above America, is only a little ( if not at all ) hated in the world. That's the kind of success I like.

This is only a taste of the differences between Canada and America.

Whatever dude, you guys still gave us Celine Dion...
and i think some people misinterpret hate for jealousy
imo many hate us simply because they lack what we have