Canadian metaldawg


Jun 18, 2005
Surrey, BC, Canada
Salutations fellow metal 'eads.
Yes, I be a new breed here, but been a metal dawg since the early 80's - Iron Maiden bringing me into the fold.
I admit, been ages since I've been to a show - bad timing, lack of funds, or perhaps, with all the sub-genres, hard to grasp and support fully the music.
Maybe I'm just old, out of the loop, or inundated with bands galore - but I know, I shall never stray from the ore of metal.
Any westerners are most welcome to hit me, but any metal 'ead is a friend indeed.
Be well.
Ah yes, I too was converted to the joys of metal via Iron Maiden; in fact I even remember it was after seeing a video clip of Number of the Beast. Of course, my mother was horrified; "But I thought you liked The Beatles!!" she wailed after I went and bought (well, shoplifted) the album.
I also have fond memories of your part of the world; I lived in Vancouver for about 6 months in 91/92. Beautiful place.
Cheers mate, hope to hear from you soon. Matt J.