Canadians are cool with me....


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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I'm from America (Kentucky) and I want to visit Canada. I don't know why some people in America "rag on" Canadians. Canada is cool with me because of good comedy (Strange Brew, SCTV, Jim Carrey), good BEER (Moosehead, Labbat's Blue), good musicians (Rush, Voivod, Triumph, Sebastian Bach, Slik Toxik (remember them) and others...), and good wrestlers (Y2J Chris Jericho, Chris Bennoit, Edge, Christian, Trish Stratus, Lance Storm). Canadians know what it;s all ABOOT!!! HA, HA (LOL)
I lived in Ontario for 2 years. It was okay. Basically just like the US but with worse health care and higher taxes. Lot's of cool people, though. And I agree that most of the best comedians are from Canada. Anyone see Canadian Bacon? That show was hilarious. All of the US stereotypes about Canada (everyone is really polite, no litter or pollution, etc) and Canadian stereotypes about the US (everyone owns a gun, the pres starts a fake war to boost his ratings, etc) in a movie. Great stuff.
Hey Zanex
if you ever come to Canada stop by in Toronto I'll show ya around and take ya to a Anvil gig or rehearsal. Canada a alright place dude 'our only prob is we let anyone into the land eg. one of those fucks who flew into the World Trade Center lived 12-13 blocks away from my place and a bunch of those pricks lived here collecting welfare (our 15% taxxxxes)Anyways I gotta go repare my iglloo hahaha

P.S Kevin LaBrie AKA James Labrie (Dream Theatre)is from this place also
Originally posted by Ecstatic Youth
Oh yah
Canada kicks ass and so does hockey. We have Mike Myers too. He's great. Austin Powers man! COME ON!
And NO, we don't live in igloos and get around only by snow-dogs and snow mobiles. And we don't wear parkas all year round.

WHAT?!?!? YES WE DO! Man you are on crack... I own the biggest igloo in Alberta. And i own infininty snomobiles.
Let me see:

I love Quebec City, Montreal, Vancouver. Quebec City is tied for first with my all-time favorite trip with the family memories. Mt. Morency Falls just north of Quebec City holds my favorite memory from a trip. I like 2020 University underground mall in Montreal - taking the rubber-wheeled trolley to Expo stadium (at least I did it a few years ago).

I love The Tea Party

I don't like the Canadiens - sorry, Bruins fan.

I was awed by the damage that ice storm did in Canada several years back - from Montreal towards Quebec, and down towards Vermont.

Yeah - I like Canada too, which means Canadiens are cool with me.
What the fuck.
sorry my godamm igloo sprung a fuckin' leak,fuckin parka is now soaked
Metalman... You are almost as obsessed with the Tea Party as i am.

The Interzone Mantras hasn't really grown on me yet, a few good songs... but it's pretty plain... no middle eastern influence... There is some good songs, like lullaby, interzone, master and the margarita.... but 'Angels' has really really BAD lyrics, it is ok, but the lyrics drag it down something shocking "So sexy sexy babe, you know i need some"... GAAAH! JEFF!! What are you trying to do to me???
Originally posted by Trapped
Metalman... You are almost as obsessed with the Tea Party as i am.

The Interzone Mantras hasn't really grown on me yet, a few good songs... but it's pretty plain... no middle eastern influence... There is some good songs, like lullaby, interzone, master and the margarita.... but 'Angels' has really really BAD lyrics, it is ok, but the lyrics drag it down something shocking "So sexy sexy babe, you know i need some"... GAAAH! JEFF!! What are you trying to do to me???

Yeah - I am. And I feel the same way about IM - it doesn't have the creative edge of their prior works. I'm not saying it's bad - it just needs more listens.

Since I'm not from Canada - I'm not sure how they are viewed there. If they are mainstream as we Americans define it, then they are even more amazing then I think they already are, because their music exemplifies nothing that is mainstream (except - is IM moving in that direction?). Plus - if you've read prior threads of mine - when they sent me that "care" package due to my daughters illness - THAT was special.

Samsara, Fire In The Head - my 2 favs still.
Hey Trapped and metalmancpa. I've heard of The Tea Party. A good friend of mine and former bandmate (guitarist) "Doug" loves the Tea Party. I've only heard a song or two but will definitely check them out now. I read in a magazine that The Tea Party were like the Doors, but from what I understand they're nothing like that. I know they have a few albums out. Troyanasy, I've got an Anvil video from Headbanger's Ball called "Mad Dog" and thanks for the invite to Toronto. I didn't know James Labrie was from Canada. What about Sebastian Bach's old band Madame X. I've met Sebastian and his drummer, Mark "Bam Bam" McConnell, and he played in Madame X and plays in Sebastian's band know. Both are from Canada and "down to earth" and very cool. I like Mike Myers "Austin Powers, Waynes World," the Expo's, The Bluejay's, MooseHead, Labbat's Blue, Canadian Bacon (movie, and food), but I'm trying to get into Hockey. The closest I've been to Canada is Osh Kosh, Wisconsin with a former girlfriend. I use to get drunk in High School and listen to Rush and VoiVod and watch SCTV when it snowed in Kentucky and would always proclaim, "I'm going to Canada Damnit". I still plan on this,