CANDLEMASS - Hope To Introduce New Singer In Jan.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
"In these days of stress and X-mas overload to celebrate the commercial interests, Candlemass will instead focus on the hunt for a new singer. The band will try some interesting people over the weekends and hopefully a new guy can be found and introduced in January. Candlemass sincerely thank each and every one of you cool singers that applied. They have heard many great voices! The auditions will take place in Stockholm, with scandinavians singers mainly. Also, watch this space closely....there will be a Candlemass 20 year as a band celebration in Stockholm soon. The band will play with some ultra cool guests on an evening that wont be forgotten for a long time!! If you miss that, you’ll be a sorry fuck for the rest of your life!!"

We'll see. Hope is somebody with a good voice range for doom. I don't care if is not as operatic as Messiah. Still feel that they should brought back Thomas Vikstrom now that Stormwind in on hold or split.
Wyvern said:
We'll see. Hope is somebody with a good voice range for doom. I don't care if is not as operatic as Messiah. Still feel that they should brought back Thomas Vikstrom now that Stormwind in on hold or split.

Maybe they will, who knows? :)