Candlemass - "King of the grey islands"


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Oops it seems another album found its way into my HD o_O

Well sportfans we all have expectations in life. And after the excellent comeback of Candlemass and then the whole Messiah affair quitting the band well everybody was thinking and now what? Then Rob Lowe accpeted to take the helm and of course expectations went sky high (wonder if Las Vegas take bets on metal albums...)

Anyway, I'm here listening to the new Candlemass album with Lowe's vocals all around and the only comparison I can get is this:

The biggest mammal is the blue whale, now think in a male blue whale testicles size. Made them out of titanium and cover them in molten steel, those were my expectations for this album. Now I compared them to the album and they're merely nuts :p

You don't have an idea of the heaviness and power of this muthafucka, right now is the #1 album of the year :worship: :worship: :worship:

It just dethroned Saxon with both hands tied up in the back. I already listened to the new Thunderstorm and Trouble, and still I have to check the new Minotauri (and probably Memory Garden) but I'm sure nothing can DOOOM like this one :headbang:

NP: Candlemass - 'Demonia 6'
If this new Candlemass albums is in terms of style and quality a mix between Candlemass "Candlemass" and Solitude Aeternus "Alone" it will be a masterpiece and for sure in my top 5 from 2005. Longing for listening it!!!!!!:headbang:
Can't wait too!

However I hope it still sounds like Candlemass, and not like Krux. I mean, Krux is a great band on its own but there's no need for Candlemass to follow the steps of Edling's side project.
Can't wait too!

However I hope it still sounds like Candlemass, and not like Krux. I mean, Krux is a great band on its own but there's no need for Candlemass to follow the steps of Edling's side project.

Actually sounds like Abstrakt Algebra :heh: Nah, just kidding is very much Candlemass but without Messiah so it will feel different. But is not totally on the melancholic ride of Krux, this is much more powerful and epic.

And now for a second opinion read this:

The former Candlemass frontman Messiah Marcolin posted the folling statement regarding his departure

"Hi everybody! This is Messiah Marcolin! Since there has been so many rumours regarding the reasons for me getting kicked out of Candlemass, i want to give you my side of the story. Last summer Leif Edling and i had an agreement about the musical direction of the band as well as an economical settlement. I was totally prepared to record the album but in the fall something happaned. Suddenly Leif and the guys wanted to change the financial terms we had agreed on. There were also talk about replacing some of the songs on the album, since they were not happy with the musical direction the band was taking. I was in favor of a more traditional Candlemass sound while Leif and the guys were pushing for a more "Krux" type of sound. With all these changes going on i didn't feel very comfortable recording the album and finally i decided not to do it. I never compromise with my music!I've read in some interview that Leif wanted a more "democratic" band but how good is it when you have to make compromises in order to make everyone happy? Finally......
thanks for all the support you guys have been giving
me lately! I'm more inspired to sing than ever before and i hope that i can give something back to you very soon.
Right now i'm involved in a exciting project called requiem.........keep your eyes and ears open! I'll be back with more news soon!
Best regards, Messiah Marcolin

Best advice hear it in advance to make your own judgement ;)
Indeed but I don't like hearing albums in advance, I'll wait the release ;)

Now with Lowe singing for them it can't be bad anyway.

Oh trust me mon ami, is not, is not :headbang:

NP: Freedom Call - 'Words Of Endeavour'