Cannon - Back In Business

dill_the_devil Music Editor
Cannon - Back In Business
Point Music Distribution - POMD 10278 - 2005
By Philip Whitehouse


Cannon are apparently a German hard rock band from the 80s, who (mmm, boobies) split up after making very little impression on the world in general after plugging away until (wonder what's on TV) the early 90s. They reformed in 2003, and Back In Business is their second album (I'm hungry, wonder if there's a Pot Noodle in the cupboard?) since they got back together. Judging by the photos on the back of the promo CD, the 90s and early 00s have utterly (I just farted) passed the guys by. The result is an utterly generic Teutonic hard rock record, complete with song titles like 'Black Leather Boys' and 'Rock Feelings' (is it supposed to hurt when I pee?).

This has to be the most utterly forgettable album in the history of rock and metal - my thoughts wander so often while listening to it (just what the hell was going on in Casshern?) that they often come back with souvenirs. The mediocre production makes the drums sound like they're being hit with foam mallets and the guitars come across oddly chorused, but at least they drown out the vocalist's (people who say vokills are gay) hypnotically dull gurning. Some of the riffs sound quite good, but only in a kind of 'heard them a million times before' kind of way. The solos are performed with typical panache (now there's a cool sounding word. 'Panache'. I like plinth better, though), but by sadly by the time the first one comes around, the listener will already by considering doing a crossword or picking the lint out of their navel.


Official Cannon Website
Official Point Music Distribution Website (German)
LOL - on a visual and stylistic level, I really really enjoyed it. The soundtrack rocks, too. My girlfriend bought it for me on DVD, and after repeated watches, it makes more sense - you just have to keep in mind that it's about half an hour too long and tries to overcomplicate an essentially simple story with repeated melodramatics and the introduction (but not resolution) of altogether too many themes - class divisions, dysfunctional family and social structures, ethnic cleansing, yadda yadda yadda... :)