Can't sit vocals right


Apr 18, 2010
So I finally got a little vocal booth setup and am getting some better recordings from my vocalist. I am trying to make them work in my mix but they really aren't sitting very well. I making some room in the 3khz range in the guitars and cymbals but something just doesn't sound right. The vocals aren't really glued well and they don't sound thick. I set a low shelf at 200hz and boosted some 3khz as far as EQ. I have an 1176 running pretty hard and that's it. I know he's talented because he sounds sick here but the SM57 isn't really showing that.

I've been reading threads and getting advice from other places but maybe you guys can hear something I'm missing. Maybe the guitars are still cutting too much?

To me the vocals are the best sounding thing on that whole recording! the sit very very well, the guitar tone seems thing missing some mid range.. and overall realness too it. drums are very very very dull with no attack,punchiness,high end/mid range at all. try not to think about EQ'ing stuff in terms of 200hz here and 3 k here because it will change with every recording, instead try imagining the sound you want. and eq it with the plugin bypassed then switch it on you'll be able to tell in a split second if you've gotten what you wanted the guitar to sound like. also what are you monitoring on? that could be your main problem.

Edit: This should be in practice room!
The tone was hard to get as I SUCK at getting a decent guitar tone with vsts and impulses. I'm probably going to start from scratch with the guitars. Drums I'm still working on too. I can't mix drums to save my life.

I'm monitoring on a pair of M-Audio BX8as and I'm working on getting my room sounding good. I have tons of rockwool I ordered but I haven't had time to put it up yet. Also idk if this should have been practice room because I'm asking specifically for advice on sitting vocals but if you think they work then I'll work around the mix itself some more.

Edit: Mods can delete this thread because I'm going to move it like Harley said.
Maybe a longer attack time on the 1176 so it doesn't kill vocal transients that much? Instrument balance it the problem there. I can tell you're a guitarist right? Guitars are way too loud. Snare sounds a bit weird. Other than that I think you can get is sounding right if you just compare the mix to some other music to get a sense of "how it should be". :)