If you ever get a famous actor to appear on your album be sure to milk his apperance. thusly; www.mightyrhapsody.com
Ayeka said:
Isn't that Christopher Lee? Like, Saruman from Lord Of The Rings?
RHAPSODY The cheesiest of cheese, but the Conan-esque movie soundtracks and use of 70-piece orchestras or choirs is sincerely unbelievable. Whatever you do, just dont look at them, dont watch their videos, and ignore all the laughable narrative song interludes. Christopher Lee will cameo on their next album, and so if its good enough for ol Saruman, its good enough for me. Start with Symphony of Enchanted Lands.
Down with ladies' music!NAD said:Just keep me away from that Dark Tranquility shit.
Oh yeah, never realized they misppeled it!Erik said:It's "tranquillity," kthxbye.
So what you sayin'? Is you gonna help out and review it?...and that new album must be "Exposures," a compilation with rare and unreleased stuff plus remastered versions of "Trail of Life Decayed" and "A Moonclad Reflection." Quite anxious to hear that one, even if I do have the originals.
Teh funnay!Black Winter Day said:gay power metal. emphasis on gay.
You really are a blasphemer of the highest order. Die!NAD said:Just keep me away from that Dark Tranquility shit.