Capricorns - Ruder Forms Survive

dill_the_devil Music Editor
Capricorns - Ruder Forms Survive
Rise Above Records - RISECD67 - 2005
By Philip Whitehouse


When you've got a band consisting of musicians who were previously involved with the likes of Bridge & Tunnel, Orange Goblin and Iron Monkey, signed to Lee (Cathedral) Dorrian's record label, who release a debut album that clocks up a total running time of just under 48 minutes in the course of seven tracks - well, it's not gonna be chomping-at-the-bit-grindcore, is it? And such is the case with London-based doom collective, Capricorns. Moving forward from their previous, well-critically-received EP, the group have recorded a largely instrumental album (the only vocals on the disc can be found on 'The First Broken Promise', a frankly terrifying performance courtesy of Oxbow's Eugene Robinson) that demands to be played loud.

This is like Karma To Burn or Kyuss, only somewhat more metal than either of those bands ever cared to delve. There are elements of drone, but these never last long enough to outweigh the importance of the riff. There are more uptempo moments (uptempo being somewhat relative, in this case), which make the crushing doom passages all the more weighty for their presence. There are tinges of the more experimental and progressive end of the whole doom scene, with occasional Isis-like musical tectonic shifts. In fact, there pretty much isn't a boring moment on the album.

Highlights - the previously mentioned exorcism-in-situ that attempts to pass for vocals during 'The First Broken Promise', already a track that exudes a certain malice even without Eugene's inhuman shrieks, gurgles and moans. Low points - well, you're really not gonna get the best out of this album without some seriously hefty speakers and some understanding neighbours. This is a record that really comes alive when the bass reverberation can shake ornaments from the shelves.


Rise Above Records Website