Carcass reissues

just got one in the mail today but am yet to watch the dvd... looks like it is worth it as it has fair bit of stuff ont he dvd other than the band laying a gig filmed on some shitty hand held camera.
I've never heard it, but I'll be the judge of how good Swansong is. I don't think anything I have yet to hear from the band can top Heartwork though
My copy of Necroticism was stolen many moons ago :mad: so I am really thinking about getting this reissue. The dvd with it is probably really awesome too.
With me, Necrotism edges out Heartwork, because of the Guitarwork, and they still were writing the clever gruesome lyrics. Once again.....the first 4 albums are essential. I do like Swansong, I just think of it as a 'Countdown to Extinction'-era Megadeth sounding album, not a true Carcass album. Now the Blackstar album, (Swansong line-up, minus Bill Steer) was unbearable. Musically decent, but Jeff Walker trying to sing was really hilarious! Kinda sounded like Alice Cooper and Gonzo with a serious cold.