Carcass tour

Saw them Wednesday. Carcass was amazing. Samael was really good, but had too short of set. Every other band on the tour.......:puke:

hahaha, I said the same thing.

Tim Yeung was in town for a clinic so he was there hanging out, also. Nice guy.

Xy and I grabbed some drinks, then weirdo girls came by, and I bolted.

Good shit.
Saw them just the other night, great show, Psycroptic was amazing as well, Samael probably had the best stage show hands down.

Carcass acted a bit too pampered though, didn't want to sign any autographs, perhaps they were a little upset that they were playing a hole in the well metal club as opposed to a giant crowd.
I saw them the first night of the tour. Caught up with some old friends. Great time and Carcass was amazing. Samael reminded me of Satyricon which I saw two weeks previous with Cradle.