Career change suggestions please


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Well, not even really as dramatic as a career change as I don't actually have one to change from, but can anyone suggest interesting fields that do not require a massive amount of intelligence but that pay a decent wage? At 30 I am more confused than I was five years ago and I feel time is no longer on my side...

Btw, I'm married so prostitution isn't really my cup of tea. :p Although pimping... hmmm... :err:
Confusion :headbang:

I am constantly confused about life and what the fuck I am doing or what im going to do.
Become a consultant or a project co-ordinator
We have both these at my work, they are on really good money and don't seem to have any intelligence.
They also don't seem to actually do anything.
Sounds like the perfect job to me.
You can come and be my boss, he manages to get $125k per year, and seems to be doing it with an intelligence defecit.

Likewise, his boss seems to be managing quite well on his $200k with about the same level
Seems like I'm in the wrong profession!

Bev, why don't you become prime minister of Australia or Great Britain? You couldn't possibly be worse than the ones in power now.

No longer working at the camera shop?
I would love to be PM of Australia! I'd really like that cute little house in Sydney by the bridge. Number 10 always looks a bit pokey to me and theres always loads of bloody tourists standing at the gate peering in. That would piss me off a bit. :)

Still working at the camera shop which is the problem. :) Money is crap, conditions are crap, and the job is boring. But I've only ever worked in retail and I don't want to go to another retailer - once I leave Jessops thats it for shops for good. Just don't know what I can do, or even what I want to do. *sigh*

Thankyou all for your sterling suggestions, might have a look into the Rock Star one, sounds promising. :)
Try the wonderful world of office work, Bev. Don't worry about not having experience - you know how to work a computer, you can type, and so that's all you really need to get a decent job there. They'll teach you everything else.
Camera Shop work is so fucking boring.

My job rocks, im a courier, i get to drive around all day delivering shit and listening to tunes plus I get paid pretty well too! :headbang:
if you've got camera skills and some patience and committment, you could do some wedding photography... those people get paid a bucketload, at least over here... unbelievable.