Carlos Santana - The pot calling the kettle black


I was never a fan of Santana's work and i can respect what he has done (except the most recent stuff with all of the MTV darlings) but he should know better than to say such things:erk:
He could have said "MTV, VH1, and Rolling Stone are out of touch with music nowadays," but no, he had to say RACIST. Fuckin' moron.
Carlos Santana is a fucking joke. He's so lame its not funny, as everyone heard that song where Frank Zappa makes fun of his guitar playing by doing solo like him?
Variations on the Carlos Santana Secret, its very subtle but its there hehehe. I'm not sure which album it's off of, seeing as Zappa released like 159723967430760 albums.
Yea I know what your talking about, I think my dad has that album somewhere. Carlos Santana is, with out question, a moron, and him saying this dosent suprise me really.
HarmonyDies.... said:
Variations on the Carlos Santana Secret, its very subtle but its there hehehe. I'm not sure which album it's off of, seeing as Zappa released like 159723967430760 albums.
I'm pretty sure it's one of the Shut Up... guitar-only albums, I've been on a Zappa kick lately, despite the fact I need approximately a billion more albums of his... :)