zabu of nΩd;9612492 said:
From the thread title i thought this topic was going to be something sexual.
Me too
I like both things. I like to do 'cerebral' and 'mindless' stuff. It all depends of my mood and my tastes. But I never take anything way too seriously in the free time. I leave that for when I have to study.
When it comes to music I am not an elitist at all (still too n00b to be one, but I will never become an elitist anyway.). Sometimes I feel like listening to fun songs with catchy riffs and sometimes I want to sit down and listen to some deeper music. I just don't enjoy most of the mainstream styles of music (cumbia, reggaeton, 'modern' R&B, mainstream pop, mainstream rap, shitty metal and most mainstream rock bands.). I honestly don't care about how big is a band's fanbase, but in most cases the sound a band must have to reach the big masses is something that I just don't like.
Metal is a completely underground music here. Most people think that metal is only Iron Maiden, Metallica, the few well known Argie metal bands (Rata Blanca, Hermética, Horcas, Almafuerte, and Pappo's bands...some even think La Renga is metal -_-) and the nu metal shit. And they think they all sound the same.
In the literature field, like both novels and history books. (Especially anything related to WW II, the argentinian 'Proceso of Reorganización Nacional' and other dictatorships.)
I also love to just waste my time on the Internet

And about movies..... I rarely watch movies. I might like both entertaining and serious/artsy movies but only if they are interesting or fun to me. And if I have to choose between watching a movie or reading a book I will always pick the book.